SL Converstaions 3 Destiny and right versus wrong

Destiny and free will;

[4:53]  Razgriz Makarov: Isn't destiny solid? Everything happens for a reason

[4:54]  Razor Indigo: happening for a reason does not mean everything happens as it should, otherwise there would be no room for us to make choices.

[4:55]  Razor Indigo: one day I asked a rabbi how that worked that we had freedom of choice and also predestination.

[4:55]  Razgriz Makarov: Don't the choices we make eventually bring us to the same goal through a different route?

[4:55]  Razgriz Makarov: I mean there IS a master plan at work, that much I've made sure

[4:55]  Razor Indigo: he said it is very simple.. suppose you have a child who loves ice cream but hates pickles.

[4:56]  Razor Indigo: you put out 2 plates, one is pickles, the other a favorite ice cream..

[4:56]  Razor Indigo: you know what she will chose, but she has the choice either way.

[4:56]  Razor Indigo: we are like that.

[4:57]  Razor Indigo: visions give us information to be able to shift from out normal dislikes.

[4:58]  Razor Indigo: if someone says in our vision, that the pickles though not tasty will give us magical powers, we might believe the vision and eat the pickle instead.

[4:58]  Razor Indigo: or at least try the things.

[5:00]  Razgriz Makarov: Yes, but what IS this thing that calls our hearts beyond who we are?

[5:00]  Razgriz Makarov: Has to be a plan

[5:00]  Razor Indigo: I hope so.

right and wrong and opposing philosophies:

Razor Indigo: In general if I did not think you were a nice person you would never have gotten to be here with me.

[9:58]  Razgriz Makarov: I'm war incarnate... How nice can that be?

[9:59]  Razor Indigo: War is not evil there are reasons for war. the evil is in the acts done during war.

[10:00]  Razor Indigo: War is merely people who need change against people who need no changes.

[10:02]  Razgriz Makarov: I was always told I'm a being of light, now I feel right in the middle

[10:06]  Razor Indigo: before I answer that I need to ask you a question.

[10:07]  Razor Indigo: is the world absolute? Is there only good and evil, light and dark, right and wring? or are there levels of each?

[10:08]  Razgriz Makarov: Hell if I know anymore. I used to be an extremist. Either total light, or total darkness

[10:08]  Razor Indigo: Let me ask this then...

[10:09]  Razor Indigo whispers: in your country, there are those who worship the old ways. they beleive things as they were are right.

[10:09]  Razgriz Makarov: Yes

[10:09]  Razor Indigo: Also there you find people with a belief that the religion hampers people and there should be no religion.

[10:10]  Razor Indigo: The religious cite morals and right and wrong as concepts they teach and help develop.

[10:10]  Razor Indigo: the seculars cite violence and close mindedness as reasons for no religion.

[10:11]  Razor Indigo: a faith healer uses energy they generate through faith and that the faithful generate.

[10:11]  Razor Indigo: a secular healer uses science for healing

[10:12]  Razor Indigo: are the healings from either of them less meaningful because the other group does not believe?

[10:12]  Razor Indigo: both are effective to a point.

[10:12]  Razor Indigo: both are separate and different

[10:13]  Razor Indigo: both can work well together or against each other.

[10:13]  Razor Indigo: right?

[10:13]  Razgriz Makarov: Right

[10:13]  Razor Indigo: so which one is the right one?

[10:13]  Razor Indigo: which one is wrong?

[10:14]  Razgriz Makarov: None is wrong, they're simply two different methods to heal

[10:14]  Razgriz Makarov: What happens when you heal someone, while at the same time enjoying their suffering?

[10:15]  Razor Indigo: If one could be quantified as a blue beam of light for science, and the other a green beam of light for religious, which has more light?

[10:16]  Razor Indigo: Raz, it is human nature to want to hurt those who hurt you.

[10:16]  Razgriz Makarov: They light up just the same

[10:16]  Razor Indigo: yes. so someone who is light is an incomplete description.

[10:16]  Razor Indigo: what kind of light are you?

[10:16]  Razor Indigo: which colours are brighter within you?

[10:17]  Razor Indigo: and whose point of view can you see your light?

[10:17]  Razgriz Makarov: White is bright, right now red is brighter

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